Help with rehearsal materials and Dropbox
Dropbox is a free cloud-based storage a disk-drive or a USB stick, but you access it via the internet. It's an easy way for me to share sheetmusic and sound files with you all.
If you've never used Dropbox before it's pretty straightforward. Whilst you don't need an account to access and download materials, you might like to sign up for an account to make things even easier in saving files to both mobile devices and computers alike. CLICK HERE and you'll be taken straight to Dropbox where you can create your own account.
To access the rehearsal materials for a particular song, simply click on the title on the members' area page. This will take you to the Dropbox folder that contains the appropriate files. You can click on each file to listen to the track or view the sheetmusic, and then click on "download" in the top right hand corner to save it to your device.
Help with logging in
When you click to log in to the members' area, you will be greeted with a window like the one below headed "Sign up". If you are already a member, you first need to click on the link top right in that window where it says, "I'm already a user Login". This will give you the window headed "Login" with one less password field. Now fill in your details and you'll be taken to the members' area.
If you forgot your password, you can click the link and get an email with a link to reset your password.
If you can't remember the email address you signed up with, email me and I'll reply telling you what it was!