Vocalese aims to provide a fun and friendly environment for its members. Attendees are asked to respect this aim and to act in a suitably positive manner during sessions and performance events. We are about the community and lean enthusiastically towards the “inclusive” and smiley side of things. Be nice!
As a fee-paying member of Vocalese you will have access to the members’ area on the website. Here you can view, listen to or download rehearsal materials. Access to these is a privilege of members of Vocalese. Please don't pass them onto anyone else outside of Vocalese.
Vocalese is open to everyone, 16 years and over, provided that they are able to and are keen to take an active part in proceedings.
Please respond nicely to the requests and leadership of the Choir Director. Negative or disruptive behaviour is bound to spoil the fun for others and it hinders both the learning of the songs and the general enjoyment of a session.
Anyone is welcome to attend one free session without pressure to join. After this trial session, we hope you'll want to come back for more and we'd ask you to join as a member to continue enjoying Vocalese.
As a registered member you are encouraged to promote the reputation of Vocalese in a positive manner. If you have a worry or gripe of any kind, we would like to be the first ones to hear about it and work through it with you.
Photographs, video footage and audio recordings may be made at sessions or performance events and include any or all of those persons in attendance. Such material may be used for marketing or advertising purposes by Vocalese.
Sessions are run weekly in terms, loosely corresponding to the local authority school terms. Session dates are posted in advance on our website. Dates may have to change at short notice in extenuating circumstances. A term of Vocalese costs £80.00, spread over four monthly payments.
Sessions last for 1.75 hours including a short break in the middle.
Members pay by direct debit in monthly payments of £20.00. This entitles you to attend every available session for that term (minimum of 10 weeks). We'd ask you to honour this direct debit until the end of the four month period containing the term, even when the fourth month starts after the term ends. Thus this is simply a way of spreading the cost of the term's fees rather than being a traditional monthly subscription. Anyone joining part way through a term will only be liable to pay for the the proportion of sessions they attend.
After a period of non-attendance, usually a term, unless you have an active direct debit in place, access to the members' area will be stopped. Not to be taken personally, this measure keeps our records nice and tidy and is an encouragement for you to come back to Vocalese to re-activate your account, allowing you continued access to great music.
Refunds of termly subscriptions are at the sole discretion of Vocalese and will depend on individual circumstances.
Non-members are allowed one free taster session before deciding whether to join up as a member.
The family discount payment plans are for any two adult members of the same family. e.g. husband and wife, mother and daughter.
Payment by direct debit is handled by GoCardless Ltd. We do not see any of the banking details that you submit when setting up your direct debit. Other payment methods may be available upon request.
Whilst we hope nothing untoward happens to you at a session, we are covered with liability insurance just in case. Don't let's try it out though, eh?
Personal information is held by us at Vocalese solely for our own use and will not be passed on to third parties or other organisations without your consent.
Email addresses of casual attendees and others contacting Vocalese may be recorded. Such email addresses will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and will not be added to a mailing list or used for any other purpose without your consent.
Vocalese reserves the right to alter or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice.