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Singers are vocal athletes

So I've just set the new website live! Vocalese is officially an entity!

So, here we go. Sing because you love it, because it makes you feel good and because it is good for you. It revitalises you and for some, it can slow down and may even reverse some of the signs of ageing! Look up the work of Dr. Robert T. Sataloff and you'll see that there is medical evidence to back up that ridiculous claim.

Thing is, singers are vocal athletes. Singing is to the voice and mind what a gym session or a good run is to the body. You ask much more of your voice when you sing and so much of your complete person is involved. Brain, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, nervous system...a holistic coming together of the whole body and mind.

And you really do feel good after a good sing. You flush out your lungs, you get some good low-impact exercise which gets the endorphines going, you rev up the spirit of not only you but everyone else in the group! It has been described by someone...might have been me the best fun you can have with your clothes on!

Anyway, it is far too late to try and be clever and mentally organised just now. I'm off to bed for some good zzzs after a long drive back from Devon and a frantic evening of website testing!

Sing it LOUD, sing it PROUD!

Here's to what may come!

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